Agriculture Valuations

We have a great deal of experience appraising all types of agricultural properties throughout Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and northwest Ontario. We are happy to provide valuations for farm properties of all sizes – from small farmland parcels and livestock farms, to large scale grain farms. The agricultural landscape is rapidly changing and valuations are not exempt. Having a current, accurate appraisal provides peace of mind, convenience and can influence decisions regarding expansion, succession strategies, and in preparation to sell.

We are familiar with all types of farms including (but not limited to) beef, dairy, hogs, sheep, turkeys, tree farms, honey, and horse/equestrian operations. We have had experience working successfully with the Manitoba Turkey board and understand well, the nuances of providing additional information and data when working with outside organizations. We have also appraised numerous agribusiness operations including seed plants, fertilizer plants, processing plants, feed mills and livestock auction houses.

Appraising Agriculture

  • University educational background in Agribusiness
  • Large portfolio of appraisals in Manitoba and Saskatchewan
  • Aware and in tune with changing farmland values and factors that influence valuations
  • Experience with all types of farms and agribusiness operations
  • Willing to travel with quick appraisal turn around times



Farms & Agribusiness